
Divyajyoti Trust is a registered charitable trust under Public Charitable Trust Act established recently by philanthropic minded individuals involved in the services of poor people for last two decades.Having imbibed the ideas and ideals suggested by Gandhiji to serve the nation,they have decided to devote their life to the service of humanity in interior rural tribal areas.Joined by several like minded people, trust will get involved in all the activities to help the poor community with the help of available manpower & resources.

Since the main expertise available at this moment is in the field of Ophthalmology, the trust will start working in eye care by setting up an eye hospital.

Divyajyoti Trust

Suthar Falia, At & Po Mandvi Dist. Surat - 394 160, Gujarat, India
Ph. No.02623 - 221180
Eye Bank Mo.No. 7046991251
Regd. No E 6921 - Surat. 19.1.2010

Hospital Schedule Time:-
Monday to Sunday:-8:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m
2:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m
Sunday:-General OPD -Open
Specality OPD- Closed

Web-mail :- divyajyoti@divyajyotitrust.org
E-mail :- divyajyoti.icare@gmail.com

video testimonial


  • We have performed 1040 surgeries during this month which is much less than what we did in November last year. Diwali celebrations and agricultural activities are probably the reason for this. All across Western India and Northern India, the overall performance this year till date has remained low.
  • Training of optometry students is going on well. The new batch has joined though officially admissions are still going on. They have started coming informally. 25 students have started coming regularly. This is the first time that we have more than 20 students joining us.
  • Theory classes for vision assistant students were going on regularly. They are sent in two batches alternately to the field for our spectacle screening project work which is giving them tremendous exposure. For that reason, theory classes are suspended temporarily.
  • The online diploma course of Mr. Vimal Prajapati and Ms. Shivani Suchal run by L. V. Prasad Eye Institute is going on.
  • Dr. Kishan Makwana from Junagadh joined us for one month phaco fellowship during the month. Dr. Kalgi Patel from Ahmedabad has joined us for two months SICS fellowship.
  • Our second year Optometry students (4 of them) attended the ASCON conference at Panji, Goa. They learnt few new things and are encouraged to make presentation next time.
  • We have continued bi monthly visit of a team consisting of Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmic assistant, maintenance staff and cleaning staff to vision centres.
  • A community meeting was organised at Netrang during the month. 70 individuals were present. We have requested the community to help us spread the message about our activities in the surrounding villages.
  • We have started door to door screening and adhoc eye camp activity in Valod taluka also. During the month, we have screened 54180 individuals and distributed 2791 readymade spectacles and 666 tailormade spectacles.
  • At the suggestion of Gujarat Chemical Port Ltd., we had started screening of truck drivers and cleaners in Dahej area. The number of truck drivers getting examined has remained low and so, with the permission of GCPL authorities, we will now go for screening at toll booths. We screened 291 truck drivers and provided spectacles to 191 truck drivers during the month. We have examined 6374 truck drivers by now.
  • We have screened 177 babies and treated 2 babies during the month. Awareness session for parents was organised at Gram Sewa Trust , Kharel During the month.
  • Actual implementation of CBR project – training of incurably blind individuals is started after the completion of second module training of the workers. We have taken 24 blinds for rehabilitation during this quarter. The training is going on satisfactorily. Alongside, follow up of curable blinds identified during the survey is also going on. We have started conducting weekly diagnostic eye camps in the project area. 07 Camps were organised during the month. 423 patients were examined and 63 surgeries have been carried out.
  • First enrolment in Myopia study for Nphthal company from Australia was done during this month. We are still waiting for the spectacles to reach our patients and then we will go for further enrolment.
  • By now, at the end of the month, we have enrolled 21 patients including 8 patients in November in CTR ring trial.
  • Eyecreel 600 IOL study of Biotech is ongoing. Total 538 enrolments have already been done including 223 patients bilateral enrolment. Total individuals enrolled are 315.
  • Total 37 enrolments have been done in Amblyopia study till date. Only 3 more are pending.
  • Diwali shibir was organised during the month. 18 students joined and enjoyed fire crackers also. They went to Kantiyajal and Vamleshwar temples during their stay here.
  • Inauguration of our 10th vision centre took place at Ayurvedic hospital run by Uka Tarsadia University at Maliba during the month.
  • Construction work is now progressing towards completion. Due to heavy rains, we were not in a position to complete the work before inauguration and so, we decided to go ahead with the inauguration but shifting will get delayed by a couple of months.
  • Following the visit of IQVIA CSR head at the suggestion of MFV, they have agreed to support 10 students. The MOU has been signed during the month.
  • Umarpada comprehensive screening project implementation started two months back. 4745 individuals were examined during the month. Inauguration of the project was conducted during the month. More than 300 individuals including all the ASHA workers from taluka remained present. Chief guest Mr. Ritesh Vasva, Director, Sumul Dairy praised the initiative and suggested to the community to take the benefit of the services.
  • Mr. Debashis Maiti from Mission for Vision visited us during the month and visited our Vyara and Khapar centres. He has given us a few suggestions for improvement. Our team will work on it soon.
  • An online meeting of our ethics committee took place on 30th November. We gave approval to four different studies. Once CTRI approval is received, these studies will start.
  • Dr. Ramesh Kania and Mrs. Jyoti Kania from USA have sponsored 100 phaco operations this month. The surgeries have been completed and report has been submitted to the donors.
  • We have partnered with Voice of Specially Abled Persons (VoSAP) from this month. They will support corneal transplant operations and anti-glaucoma operations.
  • We have applied to Centre for Enterpreneurship Development Institute (CEDI) for financial support for our certificate course students.

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