- 100 beds indoor unit.
- Day care ward.
- Semi special room with two beds and two air conditioned special rooms.
- Semi special room with two beds and two air conditioned special rooms.
- Round the clock emergency services.
- Comfortable waiting area with TV.
- 5 well equipped operation theatres.
- Well equippedspeciality clinics for retina, cornea, glaucoma, paediatricpatients,low vision, neuro ophthalmology, oculoplasty, sonography, laser etc.
- Facility for general anaesthesia.
- Laboratory facility.
- Janseva Medical and optical store where drugs and spectacles are provided at subsidized rates.
- Lift for patients.
- Kitchen and dining facility (Kasturibhojanshala) – free to patient and one relative and at subsidized rates for OPD patients.
- Library with spiritual and other books.
- Mineral water plant and cooler for drinking water facility.
- 35 KVA and 15 KVA Diesel Generator units.
- TV in wards and OPD for entertainment of patients and relatives.
- Availability of reading material in OPD and wards.
- Daily OPD and OT is being run – average OPD attendance is 150+.
- In 11 years’ time, we have performed more than 1,00,000 surgeries.
- Fourteen full time Ophthalmologists are working in the hospital including a retina- cornea cum research, glaucoma and paediatric consultants.
- Diagnostic eye camps are being conducted thrice in a week in the nearby areas – particularly the interior rural villages and operative patients are being brought to the base hospital in Mandvi. These camps are being conducted in Surat dist., adjacent tribal areas of Bharuch, Narmada, Tapi, Dang and Navsari districts. There are no other eye care facilities in these areas.
- We are using our 40 seater bus for the transportation of the patients to and from the camp site to the hospital.
- Total population covered is approximately 2.5 million.
- We envisage doing more than 13000 surgeries in the current year.
- All poor patients particularly from Scheduled tribes with BPL card, are being treated totally free. About 75% indoor patients have been treated totally free till now.
- 80% of our indoor patients are tribal and 90% of the surgeries on tribal patients has been performed totally free.
- Specialty services in the sub specialties of eye care viz. Retina, Glaucoma, Cornea, Squint, Paediatric, Neuro Ophthalmology, oculoplasty, Low vision etc. have been set up and the consultants in respective fields have started coming at regular interval. The work load for them is also quite high.
- Full time retina services are available since January 2012. Workload is quite high in retina clinic. Patients are getting referred from far off places particularly when they can’t afford the cost of treatment.
- Glaucoma specialist is also available on full time basis from Nov. 2013 and workload is increasing in glaucoma also.
- Recently, full time paediatric ophthalmologist has also joined us.
- Medicines and spectacles are also made available at subsidized rates in the hospital itself. Good no. of patients are taking benefits of the facility.
- One & a half years cornea, retina, glaucoma and paediatric ophthalmology fellowship.
- One & a half years comprehensive fellowship.
- Two months SICS fellowship
- One month Phacoemulsification fellowship
- Two months medical retina fellowship
- One month glaucoma observership
- Four years Bachelor Degree Programme.
- Both epidemiological studies and clinical trials
- We have already completed one research project – Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in tribal areas of Surat District alongwith “Willingness to Pay” component and the presentation of its findings has won award at the Gujarat State Conference also. The same has been presented at many for a including AIOS, IAPB, ISGEO etc.
- Analysis for three more studies is going on – Comprehensive door to door survey of blindness in Mandvi taluka, socio economic status of the community in Mandvi taluka and door to door screening for diabetes using blood sugar examination for 40+ populations in Mandvi taluka. Once we are ready with analysis, we will publish this data also.
- One more study of “Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment” in Surat district is completed and soon the results will be published. This study is supported by “Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust” Mumbai.
- Our hospital was also one of centre for a multicentre study titled “The emerging epidemic of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in India: Situation analysis and evaluation of existing programmes for screening and treatment for DR” conducted by International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH), London and Indian Institute of Public Health- Public Health foundation of India (IIPH-PHFI), Hyderabad.
- We plan to conduct many more clinical and epidemiological studies in future. A team is being created for research activities. One such “Prospective study of outcome of SICS - a comparison of experienced and fresh surgeon’s outcome is started recently.
- Thrice a week diagnostic eye camps in a radius of 125 kms around covering a population of 2.5 million.
- Operating at Netrang and Jhankhvav CHCs under public private partnership with the Govt. of Gujarat.
- C.V. Shah eye hospital managed by Divyajoyti trust at Vyara.
- Eight vision centres – Umarpada, Dediapada, Sagbara, Uchchal, Khapar, Kim, Kosamba and Bardoli.
- Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme for incurably blind persons – 450 incurably blind people rehabilitated in Mandvi, Umarpada, Mangrol and Vyara talukas.
- Integrated education programme for blind children of Mandvi, Umarpada and mangrol talukas with the help of a braille teacher.
- Vivekananda Pragnyachakshu Bhavan - Hostel for blind children.
- We are conducting diagnostic eye camp activity twice in a week so that the poor tribal people who can’t even afford to come to the hospital on their own due to poverty, can avail the benefits of the services made available near their door step.
- The preparation for the camp starts one month in advance, with our camp organisor making visit of the village where the camp is to be conducted. During this pilot visit, he confirms the date with the local leaders and decides the campsite. He also tries to raise some local support in terms of manpower and for making arrangement for food of our team and for operative patients. Then pamphlets and posters are printed and our health educator along with the publicity vehicle does the propaganda around the campsite in approximately one taluka for 2-3 days before the actual camp. On the day of the camp, our team consisting of one Ophthalmologist, 2-3 paramedical workers, optician and health educator will reach the camp site at 9 am. We usually perform refraction at the campsite and provide low cost glasses to patients at the campsite only. All the patients who require surgery are screened for patency of lacrimal sac, glaucoma, diabetes and hypertension at the camp site only. All the patients who require surgery are brought to the base hospital on the same day in our vehicle. All these patients are operated upon in a safe scientific manner next day.
- We are conducting routine diagnostic eye camp twice a week. Approximately 100-400 patients turn up for examination and about 20-30 patients come to Mandvi for surgery from each camp. Through these eye camps we are covering the entire Surat district and adjacent rural-tribal areas of Tapi and Narmada districts and also Akkalkuwa Taluka of Maharashtra State. The population covered through these camps is approximately 25 lacs. As a routine, we bring all surgical patients to the base hospital at Mandvi. We provide two way transportation to all patients. At this moment, there are no assured sources of funds either for conducting camps or for surgical work. At times, we get local support for the cost of diagnostic eye camp and sometimes outside agency or individual provide us necessary help.